This is Heaven

Of Blessed Memory.

My dear brothers, John Younger and Bob Scott, died within two hours of each other on Thursday, August 18, 2022. John from an unexpected fall and Bob from appendiceal cancer.

I first met John in 1964 when I was a senior in college and he was a first-year law student. I met Bob in 1974 when he moved to San Antonio to join Bob Sohn’s, another dear brother, and John’s law firm.

 In 1975, Clarence Bray, yet another dear brother, suggested we form a prayer group—he would invite one person and I would invite one. Clarence invited Bob, I invited David Dillon. Not long thereafter, Bob Sohn and John joined the prayer group. We grew to ten at one point and have met continuously on Friday mornings since 1975 and we still meet.

 Not only did we love each other but our wives loved each other.  We shared countless meals, trips, golf—we shared our lives, our friends and our families. There was so much laughter and fun and even tears—guy tears.

John and Bob loved to sing. On road trips to Juno for our annual deer hunt, they would ride together, open the sunroof, smoke cigars and sing Country and 60’s songs all the way out (except when they stopped at a Dairy Queen so that John could get a Blizzard. There were three DQ’s between San Antonio and Juno.)

 We didn’t let the fact that we were guys keep us from telling each other how much we loved each other.

 Surely this is heaven.


The Water We Swim In


Lesson Learned