The Water We Swim In

How do we know?

It is said that a fish is unaware of the water it swims in. That raises two questions for me—who is “It is” and how in the world does anyone know what a fish is aware of other than bait on the end of a line. Even so, the metaphor works well for me and I’m going to use it.

Humans are unaware of the cultural values of the culture they are born into, values transmitted subconsciously. Therein lies great value contained in Hebrew and Christian scriptures, taught and lived by the Prophets, Jesus and Paul. They ask the questions and provide the critique for us to take fresh, detached looks at the world we live in and then, if you will, be “born again”.

 Going into prison with the instructions to listen, listen and love, love has given me a “born again” experience. I have gotten to know and love men who grew up in a much different culture than the privileged culture I grew up in. I have encountered wisdom I hadn’t known. I’ve seen grace abound and persecution endured. I know what perseverance looks like. I’ve seen the fruit of hope when all appears hopeless.

 I don’t suggest you go into prison. That part of the vineyard is not intended for everyone. I do suggest that you go into parts of the world that stretch you, taking with you the power to listen, listen and love, love. My hope and prayer is that, by doing so, you encounter the vast goodness we all swim in.




This is Heaven