
Takes So Little.

Be forewarned! I am asking for money so you may not want to read any further. I know we all have ministries we support. Please don’t feel obligated to respond to this solicitation.

Takes So Little is a 501(c)(3) Texas corporation I formed five years ago to help men and women when released from prison.

Texas inmates do most of the labor required to operate a prison—maintain the grounds, prepare and serve the food, clean common areas, staff the library, make required repairs. Inmates are not paid for their labor. Most of them have little or no money when they are released.

No matter how long an inmate has been incarcerated, the State of Texas gives the inmate on release the sum of $100.

Takes So Little makes interest-free loans with repayment terms determined by the borrower. The thought was that the loans would serve two purposes (1) help during the critical time of transitioning to the free world and (2) encourage “playing it forward”. The road to health for all of us is helping others.

Every borrower is told at the time a loan is made that the loan is a gift of grace from God and that, when the borrower repays the loan, the borrower is joining God in extending grace to others.

The loans made by Takes So Little have ranged from $500.00 to $3,000, and more in one instance. Loans have enabled men and women to rent apartments, to repair cars, to repay court ordered fees, to pay doctor and veterinary charges, to remain current on parole fees, to change jobs and on and on.

Loans have mostly been made to men I have mentored through the years. A few have been made to persons recommended to me. All borrowers are of high moral character.

I’ve learned a lot about operating a small loan company.  Financial hurdles facing persons released from prison are enormous. It is not realistic to expect repayment during the early years of release and, in some cases, to expect repayment under any circumstances.

Takes So Little now credits the money borrowers give to others in financial need—such as men and women still in prison and their families—against their loan balances.

I suppose the biggest lesson I have learned is that Texas So Little loans are in reality acts of charity—acts that encourage recipients to help others as they have been helped.

There are eight men still in prison I have mentored through the years. I hope to raise enough for Takes So Little to be able to make loans to these remaining eight.

To make a contribution, please send a check payable to Takes So Little to Drew Cauthorn, 427 Evans Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78209.

Thank you!


Abject Failure


Financial Decisions