Financial Decisions


This is a difficult subject I’m putting out for us to wrestle with.

Where do we look when we are faced with financial decisions? For those of us who are Christians, we pray the Lord’s prayer, which contains that potentially life changing proclamation “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”

Does the way we spend our money further God’s will being done on earth? Instead, does it reflect the unexamined values of our society more than the will of God?

Let’s look at the God we encounter every day of our life. The gift of life and all that entails. Vision, sound, sight, hearing, taste, feeling, awareness. Relationships, spouses, children, friends, acquaintances. Senses, music, art, sound, sight. The list goes on and on.

Consider the generosity of God. Rainfall, plant life, animals, fish, birds, insects in astounding quantity. Again, the list goes on and on.

We impact the world we live in every time we make a financial decision. Doesn’t it make sense that we want our financial decisions to comport with the will of God.




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