Life for Life

Kindness and Hope.

 I have already introduced you to George. He is the man who served 25 years in prison, 8 ½ years in solitary confinement, whose parents and only sibling died while he was incarcerated. He is also the man in the post titled It Wouldn’t Die, who unsuccessfully tried to kill hope.

Having obtained his permission, I can tell you that George’s real name is Derrick Williams. He was released from prison in April 2021. He is married to a lovely woman, through whom he has gained a beautiful family. Derrick is gainfully employed. We have lunch together on occasion, which is always an upper for me.

While still in prison, Derrick decided he wanted to take his experience and use it for good.  He wrote me “I want to start a non-profit ministry that would primarily be a source of support for people with life or Capital life sentences.”

Since being released, Derrick ministers through Life for Life, Inc., a Texas non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Life for Life literature states “Despite the heinous crimes that were committed, Life Matters! . . .Many “lifers” are left without support, condemned to the many years ahead they must face. Losing more than their freedom, they lose friends, family, future and faith. Healing exists in the hope of Jesus Christ! That is why we say “Restored to Life, Redeemed for Life.”

I asked Derrick to write a paragraph describing his ministry.  Here is what he wrote:

“We have not gained much progress in terms of exposure but I live Life for Life every day, continue to send books and letters and speak with those who call by phone, or with families of those incarcerated. We recently purchased a lot of hygiene products for a revival on the McConnell Unit* and are planning on entering a basketball tournament on the Briscoe Unit* with Enoch and others. It’s a slow but steady process and our ultimate aim is to make an impact on the units and facilitate reconciliation between those most affected by the circumstances of life imprisonment and the families struggling to come to terms with it. Psalms 118:17; I will not die but live, and proclaim what the Lord has done. Amen!”

I encourage you to contribute to Derrick’s ministry of kindness and hope by sending your check payable to Life for Life, Inc. to Derrick Williams, 3303 Barrel Pass, San Antonio, TX 78245.

*In Texas, prisons are referred to as Units.



Sometimes the church doesn’t get it

