
What is.

In the early days of visiting Torres*, my “justice” censor was heightened.  In my faith tradition, every single person is created in the image of God.  That is not the case in prison.  

Every man in white** is treated as a potential escapee.  He is body searched every time he enters a different building.  He is restricted to where he is permitted to walk.  Conspicuous “Out of Bounds” legends abound as does razor wire.  

Men in white have the right to make only a few decisions each day.  They are provided minimal personal hygiene items.  Fraternization among inmates is discouraged. Periodically during the day, there are unannounced “counts”.  Everyone stops what they are doing until authorities can determine where every inmate is at that moment.

By no means is this an exhaustive list of practices that demean the humanity, the worth, the value, of each man in white.

My anger at the injustice I saw interfered with me being present, listening and loving.  I had to learn to accept “what is”.  The same lesson men in white need to learn.

*The Torres Unit is a Texas State Prison located near Hondo, Texas.

 **In Texas prisons, all inmates wear white.


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