Thank You

A thousand, thousand thanks!

What a ride! I made a two-year commitment to post once a week for two years not fully appreciating what I had committed to do. Another example of eyes being bigger than the stomach—not an uncommon experience for me.

My plan was to inform friends about the wretchedness of prison life, but there was this two-year thing. You can’t keep writing weekly for two years about the same thing every week and not bore everyone, including me.

I started to write about issues, thoughts, and practices, as well as about people who are important to me. I wrestled with why they were important to me and might be to you as well. I’ve ended up focusing on life choices that nurture compassion, strength, charity, hope, communion, generosity and love.

If I write more pieces, which I have no current plans to do, you will receive an email notifying you of the post. The blog will remain “alive” until the current subscription expires.

I thank Elizabeth, my cheering squad, who has helped immeasurably with her editing skills, suggestions for subjects to write about and priceless encouragement.

I thank Material Media LLC for sponsoring this blog. Check out its website to see the beautiful books it has published and the authors it supports.

I thank Kim Thompson, a splendid webmaster who has been invaluable these last two years. If you are contemplating having a blog, I give Kim the highest recommendation. She can be reached via email.

I thank Unsplash, the source of the beautiful, thought-provoking photographs accompanying each piece, all provided for free. Unsplash can be accessed here.

Finally, I thank all of you who have read my blog, patted me on the back, posted and hung in for two years! You have given me the gift of being heard. I am so very grateful.



It’s Not Easy Getting Out