Texas Prison System

Speak Up!

Texas state prisons are a mess and getting worse—inflicting grave wounds on guards, inmates and the families of inmates. They are dark, dangerous places—physically deteriorating, inadequate heating, no air-conditioning, terribly understaffed.  Gangs operate freely. In certain areas within prisons, anything goes.

All inmates are treated as animals, ready to harm or escape if given the opportunity. Because prisons are dangerously understaffed, inmates are frequently locked in their cells 23 hours a day. Programs, even church and enrichment programs, are cancelled or rescheduled.

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has a lofty set of goals. Despite the stated goals, in actuality one goal—ensuring that not one inmate escapes—drives all others, absorbs a vastly disproportionate share of prison resources and sets the tone for ever interaction in prison.

Most inmates are decent human beings who accept the fact they are paying the price for mistakes they made. That is not to say there are not some very bad people in prison. However, it doesn’t take prison administration long to detect which is which. There is no reason prison officials cannot treat troublemakers differently from the rest of the inmates.

Most inmates, at some point, are released from prison and placed on parole. Having been treated as animals the entire time of incarceration, many inmates emerge in worse shape than when they went into prison, to the detriment of all Texans.

Unless major changes are instituted, conditions in prison will worsen, enormous amounts of money will continue to be wasted and lives will continue to be blighted.

Each of us can do something to bring about improved conditions for our imprisoned brothers and sisters. I have written state officials telling them the Texas prison system is in dire need of improvement and asking them to make prison reform a priority issue. A copy of my letter and the addresses of the state officials I wrote can be seen by clicking on the links below.

I urge you to give this matter prayer and to respond as you are led.




Oscar Ehrenberg