George Frederick

Selling Drugs Didn’t Pay Off.
(Image Credit)

I am going to tell you about a most extraordinary man, George Frederick, who has the most extraordinary ministry, Hope House Ministries.

George’s father died when he was six years old. He was raised by his mother in a God-loving home.  As a boy, George started drinking beer, then turned to drugs, then to selling drugs. One day he went to The San Antonio Country Club to collect a debt. He got a job as a bus boy. His first paycheck turned him around. He saw what he got paid, compared it to what he made selling drugs and decided selling drugs wasn’t paying off.

George got involved with his church—a Baptist church. His passion for helping others led to George being appointed Chair of his church’s Benevolence Committee. His church collected a tithe of 10% from its members. The church then gave 10% of its 10% to the Benevolence Committee for people who needed help—with utility bills, rent, medical, food and other needs.

George started bringing in people from the streets, which was not received well by his church. So, in 1997 George started Hope House Ministries, a ministry to people who were down and out, many living in the streets.

In the Men’s Locker Room at The San Antonio Country Club and continuing through his church community and then through men and women from the street, George found the affirmation, encouragement and support he needed to continue and to expand the ministry of Hope House.

George was given the gift of seeing each person as a child of God created in God’s own image. As one who had experienced forgiveness, love, hope and joy, George, through his faith and his actions, dispensed forgiveness, love, hope and joy. With that solid God-based, God-given foundation, people who society has largely given up on experience new life. Ezekiel’s prophecy (Ezekiel 37:1-10) is fulfilled in our midst.

I will post a piece on the ministry of Hope House soon. Check out its website at Contributions can be sent to Hope House Ministries, 430 North Cherry Street, San Antonio, TX 78202.


Thought with a twist


Good Boy