Enoch Says

A world foreign to the world you know.

The strongest impression I brought back from the first four-day Christian retreat I attended at Torres* was loneliness—deep loneliness. I responded by writing letters to every man in white** I had a connection with. Read more about Letters and Letter Writing.

Who knew the doors I was opening by deciding to write men in white? I certainly didn’t.

 I have already posted a number of pieces about James Enoch Banks, who, among his many qualities, is a gifted writer. Read more in Banana Pudding, And What Do You Think?, A Good Heart and James Enoch Banks.

 In the course of our correspondence, Enoch learned that Elizabeth was a publisher. He sent me a manuscript comprised of essays he wanted published.

 Enoch’s essays are among the most powerful writings I have read. They articulate the voice of men who live, as James Cone said, with their backs against the wall. They speak truth. They call forth self-respect. They say that God’s statement in Genesis 1:26 “Let us make humans in our image, according to our likeness.” applies to all humans, including men and women in prison.

 Enoch’s writings deserved a broader distribution than a book would provide. I set up a website www.enochsays.com, which went live in April 2018 and is still online four plus years later.

 If you have time and want to be introduced to a world foreign to the world you know, go to www.enochsays.com.  Browse around. Go to the Enoch’s Blog & Archive section and read several of Enoch’s essays. Check out the Gallery section comprised of images drawn by fellow men in white.

 Enoch Says, the owner of the website, is a Texas non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose principal activity presently is promoting and teaching The Men’s Workshop, a course written by Enoch, in prisons throughout the State of Texas.  Quoting Enoch, “The Men’s Workshop is an essential tool for us to use to open our minds and hearts to who God created us to be, in the likeness of Him.”

* The Torres Unit is a Texas state prison located near Hondo, Texas.

** In Texas prisons, all inmates wear white.


The Men’s Workshop


James Enoch Banks