

If you know me, you know that I am married to a book lady. Books line the wall in our bedroom and in a room we now call our storage room. If you hear of my demise via avalanche, it’s books—not snow.

When Elizabeth recommends a book to me, I read it! I’m always glad I did. It is no surprise then that I decided one way I could love men in white* was to send them books.

The issue arises, what books do you send to men who for much of their lives have been told they are bad and who believe it—men who have a jaundiced view of themselves and of the world.

Easy. Send books that contain hope and that are true.

I send Wendell Berry (especially those set in Port William), Marilynne Robinson, autobiographies, Mary Oliver—books that encourage and inspire..

*In Texas prisons, all inmates wear white.


Letter Writing


Ruy Lopez