Bob Sawtelle

Listen loudly.

Bob Sawtelle and Bob Sohn connected on the deck outside the Great Hall during a retreat at Laity Lodge. They became fast friends, being mentored weekly at the John DeFoore Center near Boerne and even traveling together to the Jung Institute in Switzerland.

Bob was in his late 50’s when he joined our Friday Prayer Group. He died in 1983 at age 63. At the time, we thought he was an old man.

Forty years have passed since his death, and we still talk about him. We remember his sense of humor, his laugh, his unusual way of expressing wisdom, usually through contrasts. ”Yes, I lie on occasion. You don’t?” “If a stick has two ends, one labeled ‘bad’ and the other labeled ‘good’, and you keep cutting off the bad end, you finish up with either a very short stick or no stick at all.”

Never judgmental. Always direct.

I had two experiences with Bob Sawtelle that changed my life.

I once received a telephone call from an intimidating Houston trial lawyer (are all trial lawyers intimidating?) leaving no doubt he thought I had committed malpractice. After fretting for days, Elizabeth suggested I see Bob. He listened to me pour out the tale. When I had finished, Bob said “If I were perfect, I would have to increase my hourly rate.” With that, my near tears turned to laughter. Bob said if I couldn’t handle being accused of malpractice, I should change professions. Bob also encouraged me to tell my senior partners about the matter. I did not want to do that!

Bob had lung cancer. During a visit in the hospital, he asked me what I would do if my bank stopped paying interest on my savings account. I said I would move the account to a bank that paid interest. Bob said he wanted me to walk this time with him, but only if I promised to reinvest the time I spent with him on other people after his death.

Thank the Lord for Bob Sawtelle!




Walk with Pride