Banana Pudding

A second serving.

The purpose of the Christian retreat I participated in at Torres* is to help men in white** realize that they are created in the image of God with infinite worth and value. The message is conveyed through talks, exercises, singing, praying, dining, scripture and fellowship.

You might ask yourself why a man in white would attend a four-day retreat, especially a man who had likely experienced judgment all his life. 

We use bribery.  We serve the best meals you can imagine—fresh fruit, salads, brisket, fried chicken, hamburgers, pie, cake, ice cream.

At lunch one day we had banana pudding.  The man sitting opposite me said “one of my favorite memories of my Unc was his banana pudding.”  When he finished his portion, I pushed my pudding over to him. 

*Torres is a Texas State Prison near Hondo, Texas.

**In Texas prisons, all inmates wear white.




First Impression