An Introduction

Where it all began.

I was invited to be a participant in a four-day Christian ministry to be held in a Texas state prison.  There are Hebrew and Christian scriptures about visiting prisoners.  My schedule permitted. I thought—what the heck, I might as well do it.

To prepare, I attended a half-day session conducted by prison authorities on prison etiquette, mostly common sense.  Included was a piece on what to do in the unlikely event of a riot or hostage situation.  That caught my attention.

I could feel my heart beating the first time I entered prison—mostly with excitement.  As I heard the gate clink behind me, I saw a sign “No hostage will leave this prison”.  A wave of trepidation rolled in. Oh, my, what am I doing here?

We went into the bowels of the prison and, single file, stepped into the prison gym.  We were each introduced by name, the prison band rocking—now I know how Tim Duncan of the Spurs feels when he enters the Arena.  

The first afternoon was mainly a meet and greet.  Awkward for all concerned. I suspect the men in white* were as uncomfortable as we were.

We finished the evening in a make-shift chapel with the reading of the Prodigal Son.

*In Texas prisons, all inmates wear white.


Families of Nine